5 Questions with Angie Crawford, Accounting Specialist

Angie Crawford, Accounting Specialist

Today we are getting to know Angie Crawford, Accounting Specialist based in LIBERTY EWP, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Angie loves being part of a great accounting team that works well together and supports each other.

  1. iPhone or Android? Android

  2. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall? Spring—I love the flowers and songbirds

  3. Go-to drink at a full bar. Mojito

  4. Where would you like to visit in the U.S. that you haven’t yet? Utah—5 National Parks!

  5. What’s one thing you like about working for LIBERTY? The people I work with. Incredible human beings with an outstanding work ethic.

Thanks for sharing, Angie! We appreciate the opportunity to get to know you.


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