🦺 LIBERTY U.S.A. Safety Numbers Exceed Expectations

The end of the Fiscal Year was in June and we are proud to report that the U.S. Safety statistics exceeded our expectations.

Mike Raabe, SVP of Safety, said, “We were behind on our Critical Risk Inspections halfway through the year, but we ended up above plan. I congratulate everyone who was instrumental in driving our improved safety numbers. We reduced injuries in every category we track and are now poised to go after deeper critical risks.”

TLDR: We had fewer injuries and are improving on how we report near misses.

A couple of injury rate numbers to be extra proud of:

• 38%--Reduction in our serious injury rate

• 46.6%--Reduction in the number of injuries resulting in lost time

Let’s keep up the good work and continue to focus on our safety efforts.

After all, we want everyone to go home in the same, or better, shape than they arrived.


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