Peoria Rod Mill Upgrades Make a Difference

You've probably noticed some changes in Peoria lately, especially with the rod mill. Just like how we update our phones or cars, we've been upgrading our tech at work too. It's a bit of an adjustment, but with practice, we're getting the hang of it. 

Last year, we gave the rod mill a major overhaul to make it more reliable and up-to-date with industry standards. Once we iron out all the kinks, we're looking at a solid 10 to 15% boost in productivity and consistent production. 

Here's what we've done:

  • Tension/Loop Control: Smooths out the process, making our products more precise.

  • Cascade Control: Makes things easier to manage and cuts down on errors.

  • Shear Cut Control: Helps us get the most out of each bar.

  • Laying Head Control: Prevents snags and keeps things running smoothly.

  • Mill Pulse (MES System): A fancy system that helps us keep track of everything.


Sure, we've hit a few bumps along the way, but we're learning and improving every day. It'll take some time for everyone to get fully trained up, but we're already seeing progress. Check out Aaron Williams’ take on the improvement.

Let's keep pushing forward together. Cheers to better production ahead!   


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