Standing Strong Together: Supporting Wildfire Victims

Tough times can hit hard, especially when it's our fellow neighbors facing the brunt of it. The recent wildfires in the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, western Kansas, and Nebraska have left thousands of miles of fences burnt to the ground, along with homes, barns, and vehicles. Imagine losing your home and entire herd of cattle overnight—it's a gut punch.

But hey, we're not just standing by. We're rolling up our sleeves and doing something about it. In collaboration with our colleagues over at Hutchison Western and the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Association, Red Brand is working with the unfortunate ranchers who have taken the hardest hits. We are participating in joint efforts with local partners for local programs.

This isn't about getting a pat on the back—it's about doing what's right for our community. As a 135-year-old fence brand, we've weathered many storms, and supporting our loyal customers in their time of need is simply who we are. We are proud to lend a hand to our loyal customers in their darkest hour. We might not ever meet the folks who receive our help, but knowing we've made a difference—that's what counts.

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Let's continue to stand strong together.


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